24 Stencil Hair, Graffiti Hair Ideas to Show Off
Stencil hair or graffiti hair is a temporary way to add unique glamour to a traditional hairstyle. Paints and glitters transform your hair into an urban canvas in which the only limitation is the artistry of your hair stylist.
What is Graffiti Hair?
Graffiti hair, also known as stencil hair, or hair tattoos involve spray painting hair typically with stencils. It’s a cool way to add bling to your hairstyle. If you’re looking to make a statement with your hair color, turn your hair into a blank canvas for graffiti art.
Graffiti hair is temporary, and comes out after a couple of shampoos, so go ahead and experiment. Let your imagination run wild.
Here are some hairstyles featuring graffiti hair:
1. Blended Graffiti Hair
Graffiti stencils can add a subtle, yet dramatic impact when choosing paint colors from a palette that highlights the existing hair color.
This nature inspired graffiti hair art blends well, but really pops when your eye takes in the whole picture.
2. Multi Color Graffiti Hair
Adding graffiti paint brings added flair to an already edgy, shaved hair cut.
A simple, dot pattern with a pale pink backdrop makes for a fun, playful, candy wrapper effect for this graffiti hair for Asian women hairstyle.
3. Modern Graffiti Hair
A couple photo collages showing various styles of stencil hair with graffiti paint.
A futuristic hairstyle featuring a shaved cut and geometrical stencil hair paint.
4. Nature Graffiti Hair
This painted flower garden brings the art of nature to a canvas of long blonde hair.
5. Colored Crown Graffiti Hair
Add drama to your hairstyle with a crown accent to your hair. Hair it tied with a ponytail braid to keep crown in place. This provides a steady backdrop that will better retain the intricate stencil design. It’s a dramatic effect as it will look like an artsy cap at a distance, and reveal the paint when the distance is closed.
How to get Graffiti Hair
To get graffiti hair, contact your local hair colorist and show them this web page.
Here’s a video showing the artistry of graffiti hair in action:
Thank you for letting us show you the latest in graffiti hair design trends. We hope you saw something that looked interesting for you. Let us know what you think in the comments below. Thanks again!
Thank you for sharing these innovative stencil hair and graffiti hair ideas; can’t wait to show off my creativity with these bold and artistic styles!