Proven Benefits of Mustard Oil for Hair and Skin
Mustard Oil Benefits
Mustard oil, when consumed or applied topically to skin and hair have many proven health benefits. Let’s take a look at what mustard oil is all about.
Mustard oil is an extract of mustard seeds and is a multipurpose oil that is used in both and cooking and in the preparation of different medicines. Mustard oil can be combined with many different spices and herbs. We also have multiple uses and benefits of mustard oil for hair and skin. Mustard oil can also be used as a carrier oil which serves as a base for other essential oils that benefit human health in general.
Mustard oil not only smells nice but it also feels good on your skin. Mustard oil is widely used all over the world and particularly in India. Indians love cooking their meals with mustard oil, and they like the aroma and nutritional value of this oil.
Health benefits of mustard oil
- Heart health: Mustard oil is rich with monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which may help to balance cholesterol levels in the body.
- Anti-bacterial: Mustard oil, when consumed, may fight bacterial infections inside the colon, intestines, urinary tract, and other parts of the digestive system.
- Anti-fungal: When applied directly to the skin, mustard oil can help to control fungal infections.
- Digestive aid: Mustard oil boosts the appetite and aids in digestion by stimulating the secretion of gastric juices and bile.
- Skin health: Mustard oil contains high Vitamin E content, which helps improve skin health. When applied to the skin, mustard oil also helps to protect the skin from untraviolet (UV) radiation.
- Anti-inflammatory and Pain relief: When applied externally, mustard oil has been known to relieve the painful effects of arthritis and rheumatism, as well as to help sooth the pain of sprained joints and other such aches and pains.
Although it is safe to consume mustard oil, its strong aroma may irritate some sensitive sinus patients. In this case, it is advisable to smoke the mustard oil before you begin cooking with it, so that some of the strong aroma and taste may dissipate.
Mustard Oil for Hair Growth
Ancient people from Rome and Greece massaged their hair with mustard oil. They believed that mustard oil helped with hair growth. Interestingly, mustard oil contains large amounts of zinc and selenium and without these two nutrients, our hair begins to fall out.
To help fight baldness, add mustard oil regularly to your food. For some people, in addition to stopping hair loss from getting worse, mustard oil reverses baldness by stimulating new hair regrowth.
The practice of massaging mustard oil into the scalp to regrow hair dates back some 4,000 years ago. Besides helping to stimulate the regrowth of your hair, the massage invigorates your scalp and can help to reduce headaches.
Mustard oil for hair is beneficial because it is rich in fatty acids and it nourishes your hair to their roots and improves the growth of hair follicles. For best results, after massaging mustard oil in your scalp, cover your head with a warm cloth to enable the mustard oil to better absorb into your skin. Gently massage your hair taking care not to be too harsh or it may damage your hair. Massaging your scalp stimulates blood circulation and boosts hair growth within a few weeks.
Another benefit is that you can mix mustard oil with lime juice to help fight dandruff. This is an ideal home remedy to fight mild cases of dandruff. Massage mustard oil (mixed with a few drops of lime) and leave it for half an hour before washing your hair with shampoo. Repeat the process every 3-4 days until your problem is resolved.
Mustard Oil Benefits for Skin
Before we go any further, you’ll want to know that there are two different methods to produce mustard oil. The first is by pressing the seeds, which produces cooking mustard oil.
The second method is by mixing the mustard seeds with water to produce essential mustard oil. The mustard seed and water combination produces a chemical called Allyl that may cause an irritation when applied directly to your skin.
The best way to benefit from mustard oil for skin is with mustard cooking oil. Even then, you should do a patch test first to ensure it is safe for you. Your skin may be sensitive and the application may give you an allergic reaction.
In case of allergy or other bad reaction on the skin, stop using it. Although it has great benefits for human skin and hair, still its use is not recommended for children.
Another tip is that you may feel a strong, warming sensation right after applying mustard oil on your skin. This is not an allergic reaction, rather it is the increase in your blood flow caused by mustard oil. It is ok to continue using it.
Mustard Oil for Dark Spot Removal
One use for applying mustard oil to your skin is to remove dark spots. Make a face mask using mustard oil mixed with besan or gram flour, one teaspoon of curd and a few drops of lemon juice. Apply mask to face and wait 10 to 15 minutes before washing your face. Repeat every other day for best results.
Mustard Oil for Skin Infections and Rashes
Mustard oil has anti-fungal properties, so it makes sense that it can help with rashes and skin infections. Additionally, it helps with dry skin and itching. Finally mustard oil benefits include quicker healing of cuts and wounds, thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties.
Where to Get Mustard Oil
The best places to buy mustard oil are your local Asian, Indian, or specialty grocery store. Ordering online is also a smart option as you’ll have a wider variety of products to choose from. You can also read the mustard oil reviews to determine which brand of mustard oil is best for you.
As previously mentioned, the essential mustard oil may or may not be harmful to your skin, so it’s best avoided for our purposes.
Mustard oil produced for cooking is not mixed with anything so it is the purest form of mustard oil there is. As a bonus, it is the safest form of mustard oil to use on your skin. Amazon is one of the trusted sources to buy different kinds of oils including mustard oil. Consider getting organic mustard oil if you have the choice.
Proven Benefits of Mustard Oil for Hair and Skin
We’ve gone through the proven benefits of mustard oil for hair and skin, some of which has been in use for thousands of years. We’ve also talked about why cooking mustard oil is better than essential mustard oil. And finally we’ve talked about where to get your organic mustard oil.
Now, it’s your turn to try mustard oil and begin reaping the benefits today. Let us know your thoughts and results in the comments below.
Where are the sources though?
Thank you so much for sharing this post. I had scrolled through the internet, to find out if you could use Mustard oil for cooking as a carrier oil. This article has educated me far better than any other. I want to use Mustard oil as a carrier oil with Wintergreen essential oil for joint pain and arthritis pain. Thank you so much for writing this article in layman’s terms.
can I mix camphor with pure mustard oil for hair issues
Your post is very nice thanks for sharing this post. I love mustard oil and think everyone should try it.
I have thin hair. I tried mustard oil, and lots of hair fell out! What should I do?
Mustard oil is made from the Mustard plant, the seeds of such plant are pressed to produce the oil (mustard oil). Mustard oil is very popular in the Indian subcontinent, especially in the eastern parts of India and Bangladesh.
I often face digestion problems but will start following your post and hope it will aid my digestive problem. cheers to your post mate!
I have the same issue as you, Sheetal. I think I have to add mustard oil into my diet to get rid of it. Thanks for sharing.